
Most Powerful Guilds

Fr-espyy is pro

765 kills


648 kills

Semper Fidelis

527 kills


300 kills

Grimhaven Players Spotlight

Top Fragger


Score: (375)
Top Deaths


Deaths: (142)
Top Rebirths


Rebirths: (10)
Top Insomniac


Online Time: (1848 hours)

Jul 28 2024 -

Preparations for GH 3.0

Dear Grimhaven Community,

We are excited to announce that in preparation for the much-anticipated third season of Grimhaven, our servers will be going offline on August 4th. This downtime is necessary as we continue to perfect the server and enhance your gaming experience.

We understand that you are eagerly awaiting more details, and we promise to bring you more information as soon as we have a definitive launch date for the new season. Your patience and support are greatly appreciated as we work to bring you the best version of Grimhaven yet.

Thank you for being a part of our community.

Best regards,

The Grimhaven Team

Apr 28 2024 -


Recent Changelogs

28 april 2024

  • Added a level catchup system which grants XP rate bonus for low level players until reaching X level of #1 highest level player.

  • Added small text upon leveling up, to see how long it took.

  • Increase chance of finding magical dust in orc dungeon monsters.

  • Increase chance of finding magical dust in infernal dungeon.

25 april 2024

  • Bugfixes on outfitreward on Echoes of Tomorrow quest.

  • Fixed questlog bug where Fires from below showed as completed when finishing Echoes of Tomorrow quest.

  • Reduced hp & resistances for monsters in Ezequiels Solitude quest.

24 april 2024

  • Changed EXP reward to endgame quest completion (4kk XP each).

  • Reduced hp & resistances for monsters in Ezequiels Solitude quest.

  • Added new rings for each class with special bonus.

  • Changed !refillboots cost to 10 GH tokens.

  • Fixes of some general issues.

19 april 2024

  • Changed all end-game quest level requirements to level 200+ instead of 250+.

  • Added Askarak/Shaburak demon spawn (ED Spawn) in Hell Zone.

  • Nerfed HP of Mad Ghosts, Blind Ghouls, and Old Mummys in Secrets of Apherumes Quest by 10k each.

17 april 2024

  • Increased overall damage of Knights.

  • Adjusted mana steal / life steal values.

  • Increased loot chance for shaburak and askarak monsters.

14 april 2024

  • Fixed bug with +hp and + hp% magic attribute.

  • Softboots can now be refilled with command !softboots for 30k.

  • Raised hero loot drops slightly.

13 april 2024

  • Paralyze rune has been adjusted.

  • Orb of Enchantment is now available at Goblin shop for 500 GT.

  • New client update to make way for new content.

12 april 2024

  • Bomberman is now active at 22:00.

  • Added product +6 auto loot slots to the in-game store (maximum of 40 slots).

  • Access to the museum in Thais has been added through the casino basement.

  • The issue with the bugged houses in Oramond has been resolved.

  • Champion NPC bug fixed.

  • Adjusted salvage rates for all dropped magical items except legendaries.

  • Updated Yasir to buy trophies.

  • Fixed bug in autoloot module by removing item adding by ID.

11 april 2024

  • Nerfed GT online time reward to 1x each hour; minimum level to receive GT from online time reward is now 50.

  • Fixed minotaur guard skinning bug.

  • Adjusted event announcement messages to make them more apparent.

  • Adjusted Task Shaman NPCs requirements.

  • Removed randomization from Champion Task reward.

08 april 2024

  • Adjusted set-bonus for 'new mage set', now gives +30 hp instead of +60.

  • Adjusted target change on asuras, lowered from 40% to 20%.

  • Added all asuras to asuras task.

  • Online time token reward changed to 2x per hour.

  • Event prizes reworked to give more tokens.

  • Fixed speedbug in Gold Rush event.

  • Team Deathmatch max lives adjusted.

  • Applied fix for CTF event.

  • Fix for hits on zombies in event.

  • Added level requirement door for Quest in Hero cave in Rissne.

  • Paypal donation now works fully, will auto pay out points.

Apr 07 2024 -

Changelog until 2024-04-07

Server Changes Since Launch

  • Server save time: Changed to 08:00 CET

  • Winter Zone: Removed Crystal Wolves, replaced with Winter Wolves/Frost Giants

  • Oramond: Fixed "player disappearing bug"

  • PoI reward room: Entrance bug fixed

  • Task kill messages: Now sent in Default chat

  • Undead Dungeon: Token cost removed

  • Task module: Fixed certain monsters not working

  • Autoloot slots: Increased to 10

Feb 13 2024 -



Mar 22 2024 -

Grimhaven PVP - Siwy PvP Hands

Grimhaven PVP - Siwy PvP Hands

Special thanks to Siwy for this beautiful montage of him wreaking havoc.

Feb 04 2024 -

Additional war videos made by Nehm, huge credits!

Memento Mori vs Back to Back 1

A huge thank you to Nehm for continually updating these fantastic war videos and providing us with epic content. Check out the showdown:

Memento Mori vs Back to Back 2

War video number two. Dive into the excitement: