Shopsystem - Grimhaven

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Items can be purchased in our in-game shop and instantly delivered to your character.

Buy Points
Points Picture Description
300 Item Image 1x grimhaven sword
You see grimhaven sword (Atk:46, Def:31 +3, sword fighting +1). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 1 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz.
300 Item Image 1x grimhaven axe
You see a grimhaven axe (Atk:46, Def:31 +3, axe fighting +1). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 1 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz.
300 Item Image 1x grimhaven mace
You see a grimhaven mace (Atk:46, Def:31 +3, club fighting +1). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 1 or higher. It weighs 45.00 oz.
300 Item Image 1x grimhaven bow
You see a grimhaven bow (Range:6, Atk+4, Hit%+5, distance fighting +1). It can only be wielded properly by paladins of level 1 or higher. It weighs 44.00 oz.
300 Item Image 1x grimhaven wand
You see a grimhaven wand (magic level +1). It can only be wielded properly by sorcerers and druids of level 1 or higher. It weighs 23.00 oz. Surges of light rush through the tip of this wand. (40-55 damage per hit)
200 Item Image 1x grimhaven shield
You see a grimhaven shield (Def:33, shielding +2). It weighs 54.00 oz. A mighty shield awarded by the gods of Grimhaven.
600 Item Image 1x grimhaven boots
You see grimhaven boots (speed +12). It weighs 8.00 oz. These boots grant you 4MP/2s and 3HP/3s.
190 Item Image 1x quiver
You see a quiver (distance fighting +1). It weighs 1.32 oz. This quiver is held on your right hand alongside your 2h distance weapon, it has 8 slots for ammunition and can be enchanted.