
Most Powerful Guilds

Fr-espyy is pro

765 kills


646 kills

Semper Fidelis

527 kills


300 kills

Grimhaven Players Spotlight

Top Fragger


Score: (375)
Top Deaths


Deaths: (142)
Top Insomniac


Online Time: (1726 hours)

Apr 28 2024 -


Recent Changelogs

28 april 2024

  • Added a level catchup system which grants XP rate bonus for low level players until reaching X level of #1 highest level player.

  • Added small text upon leveling up, to see how long it took.

  • Increase chance of finding magical dust in orc dungeon monsters.

  • Increase chance of finding magical dust in infernal dungeon.

25 april 2024

  • Bugfixes on outfitreward on Echoes of Tomorrow quest.

  • Fixed questlog bug where Fires from below showed as completed when finishing Echoes of Tomorrow quest.

  • Reduced hp & resistances for monsters in Ezequiels Solitude quest.

24 april 2024

  • Changed EXP reward to endgame quest completion (4kk XP each).

  • Reduced hp & resistances for monsters in Ezequiels Solitude quest.

  • Added new rings for each class with special bonus.

  • Changed !refillboots cost to 10 GH tokens.

  • Fixes of some general issues.

19 april 2024

  • Changed all end-game quest level requirements to level 200+ instead of 250+.

  • Added Askarak/Shaburak demon spawn (ED Spawn) in Hell Zone.

  • Nerfed HP of Mad Ghosts, Blind Ghouls, and Old Mummys in Secrets of Apherumes Quest by 10k each.

17 april 2024

  • Increased overall damage of Knights.

  • Adjusted mana steal / life steal values.

  • Increased loot chance for shaburak and askarak monsters.

14 april 2024

  • Fixed bug with +hp and + hp% magic attribute.

  • Softboots can now be refilled with command !softboots for 30k.

  • Raised hero loot drops slightly.

13 april 2024

  • Paralyze rune has been adjusted.

  • Orb of Enchantment is now available at Goblin shop for 500 GT.

  • New client update to make way for new content.

12 april 2024

  • Bomberman is now active at 22:00.

  • Added product +6 auto loot slots to the in-game store (maximum of 40 slots).

  • Access to the museum in Thais has been added through the casino basement.

  • The issue with the bugged houses in Oramond has been resolved.

  • Champion NPC bug fixed.

  • Adjusted salvage rates for all dropped magical items except legendaries.

  • Updated Yasir to buy trophies.

  • Fixed bug in autoloot module by removing item adding by ID.

11 april 2024

  • Nerfed GT online time reward to 1x each hour; minimum level to receive GT from online time reward is now 50.

  • Fixed minotaur guard skinning bug.

  • Adjusted event announcement messages to make them more apparent.

  • Adjusted Task Shaman NPCs requirements.

  • Removed randomization from Champion Task reward.

08 april 2024

  • Adjusted set-bonus for 'new mage set', now gives +30 hp instead of +60.

  • Adjusted target change on asuras, lowered from 40% to 20%.

  • Added all asuras to asuras task.

  • Online time token reward changed to 2x per hour.

  • Event prizes reworked to give more tokens.

  • Fixed speedbug in Gold Rush event.

  • Team Deathmatch max lives adjusted.

  • Applied fix for CTF event.

  • Fix for hits on zombies in event.

  • Added level requirement door for Quest in Hero cave in Rissne.

  • Paypal donation now works fully, will auto pay out points.

Apr 07 2024 -

Changelog until 2024-04-07

Server Changes Since Launch

  • Server save time: Changed to 08:00 CET

  • Winter Zone: Removed Crystal Wolves, replaced with Winter Wolves/Frost Giants

  • Oramond: Fixed "player disappearing bug"

  • PoI reward room: Entrance bug fixed

  • Task kill messages: Now sent in Default chat

  • Undead Dungeon: Token cost removed

  • Task module: Fixed certain monsters not working

  • Autoloot slots: Increased to 10

Feb 13 2024 -



Mar 22 2024 -

Grimhaven PVP - Siwy PvP Hands

Grimhaven PVP - Siwy PvP Hands

Special thanks to Siwy for this beautiful montage of him wreaking havoc.

Feb 04 2024 -

Additional war videos made by Nehm, huge credits!

Memento Mori vs Back to Back 1

A huge thank you to Nehm for continually updating these fantastic war videos and providing us with epic content. Check out the showdown:

Memento Mori vs Back to Back 2

War video number two. Dive into the excitement:

Jan 26 2024 -

Cunts against Semper Fidelis and Memento Mori

Grimhaven War - Cunts against Semper Fidelis and Memento Mori

Special thanks to Willzkommen for capturing and presenting this intense war. Well played to both teams for a well-fought battle!