Shopsystem - Grimhaven

Shop Preview

Items can be purchased in our in-game shop and instantly delivered to your character.

Buy Points
Points Picture Description
250 Item Image 1x orb of enchantment
This mystical orb has the unique power to enchant an item of your choice, be it a backpack, necklace, or ring, imbuing it with magical properties. Unlike traditional magic, its enchantment process relies purely on randomness, and it even has the potential to create legendary items.
330 Item Image 1x magic find box (20% MF)
You see a magic find box (20% MF). It weighs 1.00 oz. Use this box to increase your Magic Find Percent by 20% [10 boxes maximum can be used]
800 Item Image 1x ring of luck
You see a ring of luck. It weighs 0.80 oz. This ring increases your magic find percent by 50%.
1200 Item Image 1x amulet of luck
You see an amulet of luck. It weighs 1.50 oz. This amulet increases your magic find percent by 100%.
370 Item Image 1x prefix reroller rune
This rune will reroll the first attribute of your magic item (rune has 1x charge). NOTE: Your item must have two attributes to use this item and you can only roll an item once every 24 hours.
370 Item Image 1x suffix reroller rune
This rune will reroll the second attribute of your magic item (rune has 1x charge). NOTE: Your item must have two attributes to use this item and you can only roll an item once every 24 hours.