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Boards >> News >> Changelog 2023-12-26

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Changelog 2023-12-26
by Admin

Profession: Knight
Level: 8

Posts: 17
Changelog 2023-12-26
- Added new outfit/addon at Addoner, 'Cave Explorer'

- Fixed map stairs bugs in frost dragon in winter

- Fixed bugged doors in pirates in desert zone

- Removed stairs that lead nowhere in grims in Rissne

- Removed frostfurs and yeti from winter (rare monsters)

- Divine Caldera now have bigger area of effect and adjusted damage

- Changed weekly house rental to monthly rental.

- Fixed hole with no way back in forgotten swamp.

- Rotworms in Fibula has been changed for Grim Reapers

- Wrath of the Emperor has been fixed and works now(After Server save)

- Rissne DP is now global

- Bumped up XP gain from PVP a bit
28.12.23 22:32:39
