Shopsystem - Grimhaven

Shop Preview

Items can be purchased in our in-game shop and instantly delivered to your character.

Buy Points
Points Picture Description
500 Item Image 50x portal rune
You see 50 portal runes. They weigh 60.00 oz.
990 Item Image 1x stamina doll
You see a stamina doll. It weighs 7.50 oz.
550 Item Image 1x skull remover
Purchase a skull remover that will remove your red or black skull.
790 Item Image +6 Autoloot Slots
Purchase more slots for your autoloot module.
890 Item Image Name Change
Are you tired of your character name? With this service you can change your character name.
400 Item Image Change Sex
If you are playing a male character, but would rather play a female one - or vice versa, you can purchase change sex service. All outfits that you have purchased or earned by completing quests will of course still be available after you changed your character's sex.
320 Item Image Grilled Steak
Tired of buying food? Grilled Steak never runs out!
320 Item Image Whacking Driller of Fate
Rope, Shovel, Pick, Machete, Crowbar and Kitchen Knife in one item!
320 Item Image Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness
Rope, Shovel, Pick, Machete, Crowbar and Kitchen Knife in one item!
320 Item Image Squeezing Gear of Girlpower
Rope, Shovel, Pick, Machete, Crowbar and Kitchen Knife in one item!