19/01 12:28 | Grimnir the Trophy Hunter emerges, seeking the mightiest prey! Challenge him in the heart of the jungle! |
19/01 12:27 | Creatures of the jungle swarm the outskirts! The hunt has spilled over to the paths! |
19/01 12:24 | The jungle stirs uneasily, an ominous presence awakens in the southeast... |
19/01 12:10 | Castiel Guardian has descended! Defend the realm from his divine judgment! |
19/01 12:05 | The skies part as wings of divine radiance stretch. Prepare for the celestial guardian! |
19/01 12:00 | A radiant light breaks through the clouds of the divine island. The Castiel Guardian awakens! |
19/01 11:12 | Frost creeps through the streets of Svargrond as whispers of Zushukas arrival spread like a chilling breeze. |
18/01 22:05 | MORTALS! The weekly boss event has begun! Behold, Scorchwing emerges to challenge all brave souls! |
18/01 22:04 | MORTALS! One minute remains until the weekly boss event begins. Make haste! |
18/01 22:03 | MORTALS! The battle draws near. Ready your weapons and spells! |