05/01 22:44 | Pirates have invaded the fortress. |
05/01 22:41 | Pirates are launching a surprise attack on Liberty Bay! Take care, they seem to be everywhere. |
05/01 22:12 | Giant spiders have gathered on the plains of havoc for their mating season. Beware! |
05/01 22:09 | The mating season of the giant spiders is at hand. Leave the plains of havoc as fast as you can. |
05/01 22:00 | A chilling fog descends upon the PVP Island, The Abyssal Devourer has risen from the abyss, ready to feast on those who dare to challenge it! |
05/01 21:14 | Ferumbras has returned to his citadel once more. Stop him before its too late. |
05/01 21:09 | Ferumbras return is at hand. The Edron Academy calls for Heroes to fight that evil. |
05/01 21:04 | The seals on Ferumbras old cidatel are glowing. Prepare for HIS return mortals. |
05/01 15:28 | Grimnir the Trophy Hunter emerges, seeking the mightiest prey! Challenge him in the heart of the jungle! |
05/01 15:27 | Creatures of the jungle swarm the outskirts! The hunt has spilled over to the paths! |